Daniel Sloss' webseries M.U.F.F. out now!

(not for the easily offended)

Rising comedy star Daniel Sloss delights the world today with the pilot of his own indie sitcom: M.U.F.F. (not for the easily offended). 
Written by Sloss and Tom Stade – who you can both catch starring in the episodes as well – the series tell the story about a production company – called M.U.F.F. – which is so corrupted by their own power that they think they are able to get away with pretty much everything (much like real television companies). Feat. Stephen K Amos.

And we got to watch the very first episode, so we can convince you to do the same!
The show revolves around the creative, yet psychotic, minds behind the controversial company. The board of directors consists of 5 crackpots (Tom Stade, Charlie Parker, Wayne Mazazda, Joe McTernan, Jojo Sutherland). The team has been getting away with murder (sometimes literally) for so long, it’s time for a voice of reason to bring them back to order. This is where Lawrence (Daniel Sloss) comes in. The intern who has so many doubts about the television industry and how corrupt it has become, he stands against the board in an attempt to neutralise their content so that it is mortally righteous. Here's our full review.

50% of the time you will be thinking: what am I watching? The other 50% of the time you will want to check out the next episode. Allegedly the whole story evolves in an end-of-the-world-synopsis, and we can’t wait to see how it all comes down.  “Sign me up yesterday, if you can!”  Yesterday the first 2 episodes aired and the others follow weekly. Check it out here.

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