English comedian Eddie Izzard is returning to Belgium

Performing live at Stadsschouwburg Antwerp this November

Force majeure (French, pronounced: [fɔʁs maʒœʁ][1]) “superior force", "chance occurrence, unavoidable accident"

Eddie Izzard is coming back to Belgium! He played Sportpaleis in 2013, performed in French in Brussels in 2015 and now he’s coming back to Antwerp with Force Majeure: Reloaded – his Force Majeure show that’s been RELOADED with extra Izzard’ness! This intimate theatre show will be performed in English – at Stadsschouwburg in Antwerp on Thursday the 17th of November. Ticket sales will start this Monday at 10:00!

Nearly three years after launching his epic circumnavigation of the globe, international celebrity Eddie Izzard - comedian, actor, marathon runner and Europhile - is about to celebrate his unofficial comedy world record of performing in more than 28 countries (and in three languages) – from Moscow to the Hollywood Bowl. With sell out shows in London’s West End and 49 of the US states, Eddie heads back to Europe for a select and limited run of Force Majeure: Reloaded.

Eddie Izzard, the man who turned talking ‘bollocks’ into an art form has performed and sold–out Madison Square Garden in New York and became the first stand-up to play a solo show at the Los Angeles’ legendary Hollywood Bowl. He has performed at many of the major arena’s across the world as well as undertaking several residencies in both France and Germany performing his shows Stripped and Force Majeure in French and German.

20:00 start part I
20:50 intermission
21:10  start part II
22:00 end of the show

Eddie Izzard - Force Majeure: Reloaded
17 November 2016 
Stadsschouwburg Antwerp
Ticket sales will start on Monday the 12th of September at 10h00 on www.livecomedy.be
Tickets from €39 (incl. reservation fee)

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