Sarah Millican is coming to Antwerp with a brand new show

Performing 'Bobby Dazzler' at Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen on 5 May 2022.

The hilarious Sarah Millican is back on tour with her brand new stand-up show 'Bobby Dazzler'*. She will bring her A game on 5 May 2022 at Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen.

In this, her sixth international tour, you’ll learn about what happens when your mouth seals shut, how to throw poo over a wall, trying to lose weight but only losing the tip of your finger, a surprisingly funny smear test, and how truly awful a floatation tank can actually be.

Sarah Millican is a stand-up comedian from England. She is also a radio and television presenter. She got divorced in 2005 and used this experience to turn it into a successful comedy show. In 2008 she won the 'Best Newcomer' award at the 'Edinburgh Festival Fringe'. In 2017 she wrote her first book 'How to Be Champion'.

Her first show in Belgium was a great success. In 2019 she completely sold out Arenberg in Antwerp. And now she's back with a brand new show. Sarah has spent the last year writing jokes and growing her backside. She can’t wait to get back on the road and make you laugh.

*‘Bobby Dazzler’ is the purest compliment. Imagine a child in red wellies or a woman in a new top. Both are Bobby Dazzlers. It is also the name of a caravan cleaning spray. This show is not about cleaning caravans.

Tickets are now on sale. Visit for tickets and info.

For more information and press requests, please contact Kelly Deceuninck at

Sarah Millican
Sarah Millican
Sarah Millican
Sarah Millican

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