YouTube sensation Jim Jefferies in Belgium this Sunday

Sunday the 17th of July in Capitole Ghent

Australian stand-up comedian Jim Jefferies is dominating social media these days with his views onDonald Trump. On the 5th of July, the video was uploaded on YouTube and now - 1,4 million views later - it has found way to social media in Belgium too (view it here: 9 months ago, another clip from his previous showBare, concerning gun control in America, went viral as well. That video has over 2,7 million views today!

Australian comedian Jim Jefferies has a controversial and belief-challenging standup style that doesn't spare a soul! He sold out the Heineken Music Hall twice earlier this year and next Sunday, he's coming to Belgium, during the Gentse Feesten. 

Jim Jefferies - The Freedumb Tour
Sunday the 17th of July 2016 in Capitole Gent at 20:00
Tickets: from €39 (reservation fee included) on


Jim Jefferies -- Donald Trump (2016)Jim Jefferies -- Gun Control (Part 2) from BARE -- Netflix SpecialJim Jefferies -- Gun Control (Part 2) from BARE -- Netflix Special


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